The Wednesday Waffle Episode Seven: BatPats and Spider-Women
OK - it's Wednesday, and it's time for another waffle. And come on - we have to start with this:
If you were one of the people who thought Robert Pattinson would be a terrible Batman because "he was the sparkly emo vampire in Twilight" you clearly hadn't seen him in The Lighthouse, and hopefully this trailer, released as part of the DC Fandome event over the weekend will lay any such fears to rest.
I always had high hopes for Matt Reeves' movie. They're a bit higher now.
And speaking of actors who were terrible in particular roles but turn out to be genuinely brilliant, We're going to digress just a bit. If we've spoken at all about Henry Cavill's portrayal of Superman, you already know how much I loathed it. And I thought a large part of my problem was with Cavill, who came across as a charisma free lump of distilled boredom.
Then I watched a couple of episodes of this:
and I thought "Hmmmm".
Then I saw this:
A shade under fifteen seconds of screen time in a trailer lasting two minutes and forty three seconds and is focused firmly on Millie Bobby Brown (who continues to impress) and he sparkles like a polished gem. Turns out Cavill is a great actor who can morph into whatever the role requires of him, and so my problem isn't with his vision of Superman, it's with Snyder's.
Another revelation from the DC Fandome was our first look at Kristen Wiig as the villain Cheetah:
We also get so see Gal Godot suited up in the Golden Eagle armour, and and generally flying around with the lasso. Which, I'll be honest, I could stand to watch a lot more of.