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Geeking with Destination Venus Episode #19:Resilient Reef

Welcome to the show note for the nineteenth episode of Geeking! Click on the image below to go to the download page, check us out over on Harrogate Community Radio or just search Geeking with Destination Venus wherever you get your podcasts.

Researchers swim over the 10.4-meter-wide “Muga dhambi,” the widest known coral in the Great Barrier Reef. Credit to photographer WOODY SPARK
Researchers swim over the 10.4-meter-wide “Muga dhambi,” the widest known coral in the Great Barrier Reef. Credit to photographer WOODY SPARK

So, Regie was flying solo again this week and he got started on some good science news:


Yes, after a total science doom-fest over the last couple of weeks Regie finally found a story that offers at least some hope for coral reefs. Read more HERE.

He also bimbled on in a non-specific way about the science involved in the Paralympic Games. We have nothing specific to share here, so we're just leaving the Paralympics 2021 trailer here. Because the Paralympics are the best thing in sport.


Given that the delivery was outrageously late this week Regie singled out three graphic novels for praise. They were:

Barking by Lucy Sullivan - learn more about this excellent book HERE.

Becoming Unbecoming by Una - learn more about this dark but gripping and important book HERE.

Finally, by way of light relief, the ridiculously funny Shirtless Bear Fighter by Jody LeHeup, Sebastian Girner, Nil Vendrell and Mike Spicer. Read more HERE.


NASA celebrated Gene Roddenberry's 100th Birthday with a livestream which focused on Roddenberry's idealistic vision for a diverse future and NASA's own determination to overcome it's very non-inclusive beginnings to embrace all of the talent that's out there. Watch below:

See what SPACE.COM had to say about it all HERE.

Regie plugged the Thought Bubble Comics Drive, read all about that HERE.

Finally in breaking news as he was recording, potential trouble for Richard Branson's space joyride. Read more HERE.


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