Geeking with Destination Venus Episode #28: Moonsquid
Regie chats with the wonderful Shannon Kirkwood from Moonsquid about her Thought Bubble experience, conventions in general, her work and her inspirations, along with Regie's usual nonsense about Space and comics and other geeky stuff.
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So, we started with the first part of that chat between Regie and the brilliant Shannon Kirkwood.
You can see more of her fantastic work (and buy it too...) HERE. Please go and check it out.
After that we had the Space segment. Regie is cross with the Russians because they blew up some stuff in Low Earth Orbit - and if Regie is annoyed at people for blowing stuff up it really must be bad. Read more HERE.
In better news, NASA is punching an asteroid to find out if it can save the World. Or something. Read about the fantastic DART mission HERE.
And because we love you, you can watch NASA's coverage of the launch below:
And that was about it. Regie wanted to shout out to Harrogate's Geek Bar, and if you're in Harrogate this weekend, go and give them a look.
He also went on a bit about "not clicking for Christmas" but instead shopping locally. He has a vested interest, but that doesn't mean he's wrong.
And that's it for us this week. We'll see you next time - until then, be kind to yourself, be kind to everybody else and stay Geeky!