Geeking with Destination Venus Episode #45: Planet 5000...
So, somehow the internet ate last week's show notes. But here we are now with the notes for Episode #45. Click on the image below to go to the download page, listen on Harrogate Community Radio or search for Geeking with Destination Venus wherever you get your podcasts.
We started with yet more unexpected consequences flowing from the Russian invasion of Ukraine as the loss of access to Soyuz launch vehicles leads OneWeb to hitch a ride with Space X. Read more HERE.
Finally in the space segment Regie had some things to look for in the night (and early morning) sky this week. Check out the info from the Planetary Society HERE.
Regie also mentioned the constellation of Orion which looks like this:
You can use Orion to find the Pleiades star cluster:
Because he's a massive plane geek, Regie also took some time to consider the crash of the Boeing 737 in China. Read more HERE.
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